Friday, June 3, 2011

The problems in Central Kalimantan

By: Dorotea
Although the rain forest in central Kalimantan is beautiful and fresh, it is endangered because it is slowly being cut down little by little for palm oil plantations and building. And not only is the rainforest being damaged or even destroyed, but also the animals that live in it are dying and becoming extinct. There is also less oxygen for Indonesia and the world, since trees make oxygen and take in carbon Dioxide, and the rain forest is a big area of trees which will make the world suffer a lot if the rain forest would be removed, besides it is hard to re grow trees, especially the old trees, which lived sometimes over 100 years. People should really stop and think before they do something stupid that cannot be changed. The government should really focus more on the rain forest and make a rule about cutting down or burning the forest, and also make punishments if the rule is disobeyed. Villagers and any other people should guard the forest and protect the forest and the animals in it. Central Kalimantan is important and should be protected.
The Burning Rain Forest

1 comment:

  1. Very true Tea! Kalimantan is a special place, there really is nowhere else in the world like it!

    The rainforest should be protected if we human beings want to live on the planet for a long time.

    Alina Woodhouse
