Saturday, June 4, 2011

what I like in Central Kalimantan

By: Dorotea
What I like about living in central Kalimantan is the rainforest, the natural environment, weather and also the food. The food in central Kalimantan is very tasty and original. I like the rainforest because it is beautiful and a pleasant feeling to be surrounded by tall green trees, and the humid atmosphere, and also in central Kalimantan the air is fresh without pollution, and the sound of the birds in the trees. And it rains mostly everyday, which keeps the trees growing. Another thing I like about Kalimantan are the clouds, because the clouds in central Kalimantan have a specific nice and interesting shape, which is beautiful with the orange sunrise and sunset. The rivers in central Kalimantan are brown, but that is because of the pit earth, but otherwise the water is clean and has no pollution in it. Central Kalimantan is a beautiful place.

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